1. It wasn't a passion
Yes as you heard it I never had any interest in coding or other technologies, i find this weird because whenever i met developers, they always have a story to tell, an interesting one on how they liked this tech stuff since they were little, but it's okay i guess not every developer has to have a childhood passion to development.
As a kid i was a very introvert child, i was smart and liked writing but since my family wasn't the richest, we didn't afford to buy technology devices like phones,games or laptops, so i grew up knowing nothing about this stuffs or how to use it.
2. I studied computer science by chance
Time went buy and i got my baccalaureate degree, started applying to schools, and for a specific school i had to choose three fields, i was lazy and just chose three random branches, little that i know that computer engineering was the first one.
I got accepted into the school, yeah pretty exiting, started my studies, and believe it or not i literally cried every night, i regretted my decision, everything was hard and everyone seemed to understand the teacher but me.
3. Life is hard! computer engineering is hard!
No matter how i tried to focus and take notes i couldn't understand, from algorithm to programming languages like C ... and the hardest thing was that i didn't have a laptop to practice at home.
One mistake i did was that I always tried to find reasons and excuses to why i wasn't good, i never faced the reality , yes i didn't have a laptop, yes i didn't have any programming backgrounds, but that was my life at the moment instead of making myself look like a victim i needed to find a solution, i never thought this way.
Life sucked a lot, my only hope was that i finish this year like that and change the field next year. but as i started to make new friends, one of the nicest people ever, they started helping me understand the basics , they knew that i had any knowledge about algorithm, they did a good job, I'm very thankful.
4. Life got better
I started to understand the basics of programming and how it works, i was able to pass my exams with a decent mark.
A year went by and i had a choice to change the field or finish my computer engineering studies.
As you guessed i challenged myself to get better at programming, but i did not choose it because i liked it, at this time coding was still not my passion, but it had(still has) more opportunities and with its degree I was more likely to land a job.
5. This is interesting
I had to get better, in the beginning of the second year i bought a laptop and started reading and watching more documents and tutorials about computer science, which made me really interested and curious, at that time I was able to create small static websites, and some programs.
At school i finally found myself understanding what the teacher is saying without the help of my friends. I just had to put some time and effort into learning.
after three years of academical studies and two years of self study i can now say that coding/programming/developing is my passion.
NB: This article was published as my #week1 article for the Hashnode #4articles4weeks Writeathon.